NINA SHARMA’s work has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper’s Bazaar, Electric Literature, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Longreads, and The Margins, among other publications.
She received her MFA in writing from Columbia University’s School of the Arts and has been awarded residencies from Vermont Studio Center and St. Nell’s Humor Writing Residency.
Nina is formerly the Programs Director at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop and with Quincy Scott Jones she co-created Blackshop, a column that thinks about allyship between BIPOC people, featured on Anomaly.
A two-time Asian Women Giving Circle grantee for her workshop, “No Name Mind: Stories of Mental Health from Asian America,” she currently teaches at Barnard College and Columbia University.
Nina is a proud co-founder of Not Your Biwi Improv.
Her debut collection of personal essays is THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL: LOVE IN BLACK AND BROWN (Penguin Press 2024).
Literary agent: Maggie Cooper, Aevitas Creative Management